The Historical Evolution of Ultrasonic Cleaner 

The technology of ultrasonic cleaner possesses a history of more than 30 years, it has already been applied in Japan 25 years ago, but there is a misunderstanding regarding this technology, making people suspect the effect of ultrasonic cleaners. The traditional ultrasonic cleaner theory held that the bubbles play a role of cleaning. After repeated experiments, it was discovered by Caiye Jiaying that the bubble is the mere gas explosion resulted by the strong coarse intensive wave of ultrasonic actually, which can impede or even eliminating the cleaning capability of ultrasonic cleaners, in fact, it is the vacuum cavitation that plays the role of cleaning. Such finding realized the revolutionary breakthrough in the field of ultrasonic cleaner.        

 In the year of 1987, the basic theory regarding ultrasonic cleaner was proposed by Caiye Jiaying, for distinguishing it from the traditional

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