Quality Ultrasonic Cleaning Appliances

Golf/Bowling Cleaning

The Application of Ultrasonic Cleaners in Golf / Bowling Industries


The principle of ultrasonic golf /Bowling cleaning

    In recent years, ultrasonic has always been applied for cleaning the hard and unreachable dirt. The working principle of ultrasonic cleaning is to produce ultrasonic in specialized prepared surface active agent fluid. The ultrasonic transducer can transmit the high-frequency vibration to clean-out fluid with forty thousand times each second, then the solvent is filled with numerous tiny bubbles, and the bubbles will constantly swell under the vacuum pressure effect, until they explode. This process is called as the “cavitation effect”. At the macro level, the impact force produced by numerous air explosions can break and eliminate the dirt on golf clubs easily! 
    Ultrasonic cleaning is not a new technology, which has been applied in various industries in recent decades. Ultrasonic cleaning can be utilized for various purposes,  From eliminating the residual sand after metal polishing to clean the refined optical device and glasses, as well as the animal and surgery mechanical instruments. 

The Advantages of Ultrasonic Golf Club Cleaners in Comparision with the Traditional Cleaning Method

  • Time-saving. The whole set of ultrasonic cleaning will only takes about 2 to 3 minutes. Half an hour will be took for only cleaning one golf club.
  • Saving the manual labor. Liberating both hands from the fluid.
  • The cleaning process won’t cause potential damage to the golf clubs.
  • Earning money by providing cleaning service for golf players.



How to Clean the Golf Easily and Efficiently

      Many methods can be utilized for cleaning the golf clubs full of dirt, You can select one suitable method from various ones. For example, cleaning them in dish-washing machines. Up to date, the most simple method is to utilize cleanser essence, one tank of water and one towel. 
      Pouring the hot water in tank, adding few cleanser essence (one cup is enough), mixing it properly, making the cleanser essence become evenly distributed.
      Then soaking the golf clubs in the barrels for at least 30 minutes. This half hour of soaking can remove most surface hard and crusty dirt.
      Afterwards, you can wash each ball with the help of mane brush. By the way, these brush bristles are made of nylon instead of the metal wires (because you surely don’t want to damage the golf clubs).
      Then pouring out the dirty water, all the residual particles and soap can be removed by washing the golf clubs.
       After that, preparing another barrel of hot water and 1/2 cup of bleacher. Soaking in it for 30 minutes, disinfecting the golf clubs (removing the alga and fungas), at the same time, eliminating any change color on balls.
      Pay attention not to use any acid cleaning fluid on balls, because these would damage the shell of golf balls.
      If you want to eliminate the ink, then using the enamel remover. 
      However, when the mucus dos not fall of, what would you do? Then putting these extremely dirty golf balls in containers, and adding denture cleaning tablets in them.



How to Clean Golf / Bowling Balls at Home

1. Only Utilizing the Bleacher for Cleaning Golf Balls
    Utilizing the bleacher for cleaning golf balls, really? If you are afraid that the bleacher would cause any damages here, it is meaningless. I am the same like many other golf players, I have utilized such clean-out fluid for washing numerous golf balls.
    Only if you have the enough water (half cup of bleacher and one gallon of water), the bleaching fluid can be diluted, you don’t need to worry about that.
    As for soaking the precious golf balls in them, 10 to 15 minutes are enough. Afterwards, you can use the cloth or brush to wash them lightly. Then washing the balls thoroughly.
    No matter how dirty and tempting your golf balls are, don’t mix other chemical substances with bleachers, because this may produce toxic gas. Another thing——while dealing with the bleacher, please wear proper and safe equipment, such as the gloves.
2. Only Utilizing the Cleanser Essence for Cleaning Golf Balls
    Again, this is the most convenient, simple and economical method for cleaning dirt golf balls. You only need one barrel of hot water, some cleanser essence (one cover is enough) and one toothbrush.
    Soaking the balls in the soap mixture in barrels for 10 to 20 minutes. Then cleaning the dirt and contaminants. At last, utilizing clean water to wash all of the substances, and utilizing clean dry towel for cleaning the golf balls. 
3. Utilizing the Hydrogen Peroxide for Cleaning Golf Balls
    Another very effective method for cleaning the dirty, greasy and muddy golf balls is——utilizing the hydrogen peroxide to clean golf balls. Remember to wear the gloves for such purpose. 
    Only one cup of hydrogen peroxide or ammonium hydroxide is needed for each two cups of distilled water (it is the perfect substitute material for hydrogen peroxide and bleacher). Soaking the balls for 10 to 15 minutes. Then utilizing the non-abrasion brush to wash. Using clean water to wash it clean, then drying it with hands.
4. Utilizing the Vinegar for Cleaning the Golf Balls 
    White vinegar is another harmless method for cleaning the dirty golf balls. Besides, it is cheap and environmental-friendly.
    The barrels filled with warm or hot water are needed for cleaning the golf balls with vinegar, adding one cup of vinegar. Soaking the golf balls in this solvent for about 20 to 30 minutes. Then catching them from the barrels, observing how the vinegar dissolve the large scale of dirt on surface.
    Therefore, putting the balls under the sunlight for a period of time, you can wipe out any residual sticky substances easily.
5. Cleaning the Golf Balls Recycled from Pools (Utilizing Dish-Washing Machine/Washing Machine)
    How to clean the golf balls in pools? When you are recycling the golf balls from pools, it is necessary to remove the floating scraps and change color in pools. For realizing it, the dish-washing machine is the best solution, or the washing machine is necessary.
    There, the unwetted and unplayable balls will not be damaged, not those damaged balls. So for the former ones, once they are washed, you can take them with you and conduct next step of golf.
    If there is still dirt or contaminants left after washing the golf balls in dish-washing machines, please soak them in the mixture of bleacher + water at any time. You only need to wear the rubber gloves while utilizing the bleachers. If necessary, please utilize the brushes for washing lightly. At last, washing them with clean water.
    Does it safe to wash golf balls in dish-washing machine or washing machine?
    Do you know actually you have put one hundred of golf balls in the washing machine, making them work like washing the clothes?
    As for how to wash the golf balls in dish-washing machine, this is really a very effective and quick method, you can wash a stack of dirty and muddy golf balls, not to use cloth/towel for washing or cleaning them manually. Loosing the golf balls and cleaning them in the machines.
    Though the cleaning process for dish-washing water may also loosen the hard dirty particles, if they can not be eliminated completely. Therefore, once they are loosed, it will become easier for only cleaning or washing those golf balls. 
    However, if the fabrication cost for your machine is low, then the golf balls may damage the cleaning device. Though the washing machine has the possibility to be damaged, it is not certain.
6. Utilizing the Golf Ball Clean-Out Fluid for Cleaning the Golf Balls
    At present, for some heavy and thick dirt, the only effective ones are the legal golf ball detergent and gaskets. 
    Though the detergent and hard abrasion brush can well eliminate the old dirt and renovate the appearance of golf balls. But, these tools can usually damage the balls, such as causing the big scratch.
    Inputting the correct constructed warm detergent/washing machine, these detergent/washing machines possess effective and warm cleaning brush and system, making your golf balls clean and fresh, without disrupting their anatomical structure or appearance. Besides, you can even eliminate the yellow dirt and hard contaminants and particles without washing with great force.

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